My brother Eric and his boy, Braydon, went along as well. I always enjoy hunting with Eric, which is one reason I was looking forward to this trip. The main reason, however, was simply to be out with Dallas.
The trip was a great success. About 4:30 pm on opening day, I had mine down. She was small, but I was happy to get one. I called Eric, Dallas and Braydon on the radio. They were about a mile north of me. After they made it to my spot, we gutted her and drug her out. It was probably 7:30 or so before we made it back to home for the night. A successful day!
The next day (Saturday) was even better. We made it back out to roughly the same spot by about 6:00 in the morning. We spent not more than an hour walking through the trees, sitting and watching when Eric spotted some coming down the hill behind us. Dallas got the gun ready, took aim, held his breath and squeezed off a nice shot. Got one right under the neck and she dropped like a sack 'o bricks! It was an amazing shot. Probably not more than about 40 yards, about the same as my shot the night before, but it was well placed. I've never been brave enough to go for a shot like that; I always aim for the large gut/back area.
Anyway, he had his first thing in the morning. Wasn't too much bigger than the one I got, but it was exciting. I'm not sure who was more excited, Dallas or me! We gutted her and got her back to home by about 8:00 or so, skinned her and hung her up next to mine.
By the end of the day, we had both of them butchered and "on ice" as it were. I'm anxious to grill some elk. Should be good eatin'!
What a great trip with my son!