States I've Visited

visited 30 states (60%)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

A wedding

My youngest brother, Russell, got married yesterday. What a great occasion. It was a privilege to be in the temple with him, his lovely bride, Jennifer; my own wife; my other brothers and their wives; my parents; Jen's parents, siblings and spouses; other family members; and some dear friends. The ceremony provided opportunity to be reminded of things that are most important, namely the relationships that we have with family. That is the one great cornerstone to our Heavenly Father's plan. It is the reason we exist. It is the reason for the gospel - to bring families together in eternal units. Russell and Jen are the latest in that unit and I'm grateful to have been in attendance.

Likewise, I'm glad they had such a great reception last night. It was a reunion in many ways. A family reunion, a ward reunion, and a reunion with friends. The night was about Russ and Jen, but some of the rest of us benefited greatly, too.

Hmmmm. As I ponder the subject, I hope that death is somewhat like a wedding reception, with the newly deceased standing in the center of the room, maybe with a couple of previously deceased relatives by his side, and many, many other family and friends filing through in a line to greet him and congratulate him on his achievement. Heck, I hope that there are also chicken salad sandwiches, meatballs, and an Italian ice/syrup bar, catered by Belnap & Company. Now that would be a sweet homecoming.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Taming the wild beast

Last month, I shared a few thoughts about a recent trip to Jackson, Wyoming. Here is a photo from a trip to the same area a few years ago. I'm not sure what came over me. Clearly I was a little younger and a little more invincible. At the time this photo was taken, I don't think I had yet seen the signs warning tourists to keep away from the wildlife.

This guy didn't seem to be too concerned. Oh, and they're not as soft as they look from a distance.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Anticipating June

Our next Havasupai trip is scheduled for June 2009. In honor of our last trip in June 2008, I've put together a little Photo Story compilation. If you like Boston, turn up the volume. Enjoy.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Another four years...

Like most people, I voted this past Tuesday. Actually, I voted several days before that because I voted by mail. Much easier and it avoids the lines.

After arriving home that evening, I spent a few minutes watching the news reports. In addition to the presidential race, I was interested in the marriage propositions in California, Arizona and Florida. I say I spent a few minutes because, frankly, I can't take much more than that.

As I sat watching one particular news program, the "talking head" was looking at a large screen that had the data from one particular state. As they typically do, the "head" was attempting to project the winner for this state based upon the information then available. After several attempts to try and decide who the winner might be in the state, he finally stated that it was "still too early to call." I found that statement particularly idiotic, since the bottom of the large screen he was looking at, underneath the outline of the state, clearly said "0% of precincts reporting."

I yelled at the TV. "You think? You think it might be just a little too early with only 0% of the precincts reporting?" Idiots.

Carey is always more perceptive than I am. She commented that she didn't understand why I was watching the reports since they were just making me mad. I turned the TV off.

I did, however, turn it back on from time to time to check the progress of things. Unfortunately, not everything went the way I thought it should, but I guess I'm not surprised by that. I was happy to see that all three marriage propositions passed. Not that I believe the 'war' is now over. A battle has been won, but the war, unfortunately, will go on.

I worry for our country. More particularly, I worry for my children and for their children. I still believe we live in the greatest country and their remains much that is good. I will watch with interest how our new president conducts business. He has his work cut out for him. I hope he doesn't go it alone.